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WFT2 - Rifle Case Trimmer Housing/Cutter Assembly

SKU LCG-WFT2-Trimmer
Carbide Cutter Upgrade
Product Details
UPC: LCG-WFT2-Trimmer
Brand: Little Crow Gunworks

The "Worlds Finest Trimmer 2" Rifle Brass Case Trimming Assembly

The WFT2 allows you to quickly change from trimming one rifle cartridge case to another by simply changing the Trim Chamber insert and re-setting the depth of the cut. Instead of press fitting the trim chambers, like our original WFT, the trim chambers on our WFT2 are a slight slip fit in the bearing with a groove cut for an O-ring which creates a press fit. This allows you to precisely trim all of your different rifle brass cases with one tool and and an assortment of Trim Chambers.

Changing out trim chamber is accomplished by removing the cutter and pushing out the trim chamber with the knock-out dowel that is provided. Installing the trim chamber is accomplished by setting the trim chamber on a flat surface and steadily pushing the housing onto the trim chamber. Setting the cutter depth is easily adjusted by placing a “master case” in the trim chamber and sliding the cutter up to the case mouth and tightening down the set screws.

Trimming is just as precise and clean as with our original trimmer. The trim chamber selection on the WFT2 is by specific cartridge, but still trims by case family. Just order the largest chamber in the family that you intend to trim.

The razor sharp high-speed cutters and the sealed ball bearing we incorporate into our trimmer produce an extremely smooth cut. In most cases it will only be necessary to slightly chamfer the inner edge of the case mouth. Most drill chucks have a little wobble to them, but with a little experimentation you can usually find a sweet spot were the WFT runs perfectly true. The less wobble you have, the higher rpm you can use to trim. Unlike other case trimmers the WFT does not use pilots, the case is supported by the shoulder and body of the case.

Each WFT is made to trim a specific cartridge or cartridge family such as a 308 trimmer will also trim 7mm-08, 260 Rem., 243 Win. . The drop down box lists our most popular calibers, we have 180 different reamers available and each trimmer is built to order, so if you desire something not listed, simply e-mail us for availability, chances are we can help you out. The main parameters being that it is a bottle neck cartridge of .338 caliber or less. Given the nature of it's design, our WFT tools CAN NOT be made to trim "Straightwall" cartridge brass. Our tools index off the "shoulder" of the case, and straightwall cases don't have shoulders. Most of the cartridges in the drop down box are for the largest cartridge in a case family.

Comes standard with the High Speed Steel Cutter.

NOTE: This item by itself will not trim any cases. You must also purchase the WFT2 Trim Chamber Inserts for the cartridges that you want to trim.

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